My kiddos went back to school in early August (I swear, it gets earlier and earlier every year, doesn’t it?), and while everyone is in the thick of it with all things “back to school,” I thought I would compile a fun back to school shopping list for Mom. While we’re busy sharpening pencils, stuffing glue sticks and washable markers into backpacks, and sending our children off to school, why can’t we have a little fun in the school supply department and stock up on pretty goodies for ourselves? I know I get a lot more work done when my boys are in school anyway, so might as well snatch up a few items for my “mom cave”/office. While I was dreaming and scheming about what my dream “back to school” shopping list would include, I thought I would put together a fun mood board and source list to share with you! (Affiliate links included below for your convenience.) Simply hover over the graphic to reveal links to each product page. Enjoy!
What would your dream back to school (as in, the kids are going back to school so buy yourself something nice) list include?
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