I’ve been reading a few “Day in the Life” posts recently from some of my favorite bloggers, and I love them so much I thought I’d join in the fun. Maybe you’ll enjoy it too. Not that my life is overly exciting or anything, it’s just a great way for you to get to know me and know whose words you are reading when you visit my blog.
A typical day for me revolves first and foremost around being a mommy. My little guy, Jake, (21 months) wakes me up around 7 or 7:30am (on a good day) and comes and snuggles with me until his big brother, Aiden (4 years old) wakes up. We all snuggle and watch some Sprout or Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for a little while. When Aiden wakes up, we go downstairs for breakfast and I usually upload my pre-written blog post for that day while they are eating (if I haven’t posted it the night before).
If it’s a Tuesday or a Thursday, we rush around like madmen trying to get out of the house. Every other Tuesday we have MOPS (mommy group), and on non-MOPs weeks we usually do playgroup or an outing. Thursday mornings my oldest son has his sports class (right now it’s t-ball).
When we get home, it’s lunchtime and then (hopefully, fingers crossed) naptime for Jake. Aiden gave up naptime a while back, and I have already mourned and moved on. During Jake’s nap, Aiden has “quiet time.” Sometimes upstairs, and sometimes he will just play quietly downstairs or watch a movie. During this time I try to work on my blog; researching, editing photos, writing content, updating Twitter/Facebook, Pinterest, etc., or work a little bit on a project. Some days we do an activity or play a game. He usually only wants to play “superheroes,” so I’ll be the bad guy and he’s the good guy. He usually doesn’t let me be the good guy. I also try to throw in some housework during this time and throughout the day.
When Jake wakes up, it’s snack time and then if we need to, we run errands, or play outside if it’s nice. Luckily, it’s been extremely nice outside recently. Jake’s favorite thing in the whole wide world is to play outside and blow bubbles. I chase him around and try to keep him from running behind the bushes, digging in the dirt, destroying all of the flowers, etc. I finally give up. If it’s not bath day (we alternate days), he will inevitably get extremely dirty and need one anyway. If it is bath day, he stays clean. Go figure!
Oh, I forgot to mention, throughout each and every day in my house, common phrases you will hear are: “Don’t push him!”…”Did you hit him?”…”You need to share!”…”Leave your little brother alone!”….”Why is he crying?”…etc etc.
Around 5-5:30pm, I start cooking dinner (unless I am relying on my crock pot that day, aka my favorite invention on the planet.) I still usually cook side items. I try to have it ready by the time hubby comes home a little after 6:00 so we can eat dinner as a family.
After dinner, Daddy and the boys have playtime and sometimes I will work on the blog during this time, or catch a quick shower if I didn’t get one earlier in the day. (Oh, the things we take for granted before motherhood!)
7:30pm – bedtime for the boys. This is a team effort. Chris (my husband) puts Aiden to bed and I put Jake to bed.
By bedtime, our main living space looks like this. (And this was on a good day.) It’s actually a lot worse most of the time:
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Hey, I’m not going to sugar-coat it. I am going to be totally real with you here! |
After the kids are in bed, it’s mommy and daddy time. This usually consists of both of us sitting in the same room being so tired we look/act/feel like zombies and stare at the TV and/or both of our laptops, and we are perfectly content with this being our weeknight quality time. We talk about our day and I tell him about the funny things the boys said or did that day, and then we go back to being zombies some more. Sometimes we’ll watch a show together while I work on a craft project. I think at this point in the day, we’re both just glad we survived another day and we’re thankful for the calm peace and quiet that takes over our house after 8pm. But we’re equally thankful for the laughter and loud noise that fills the house during the day. On the weekends, were are less zombie-like.
We go to bed around 10pm during the week, and I usually watch TV in bed until about 11. Then it’s time for some much needed sleep so I can be rested and ready to do it all again tomorrow!
Don’t forget to check out the fun Etsy giveway going on this week. There will be TWO winners and all entrants will receive 10% off in the Dream PillowZzz Etsy shop!
Feel free to leave a comment! Does a day in my life resemble yours at all?
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