It’s a bit early to be working on the nursery since I just entered my second trimester, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not planning and scheming already. We’ve decided to let the gender be a surprise with this baby. We found out ahead of time with both of our boys, and that was really fun and exciting too, but we wanted to change it up this time. This is most likely our last baby, and I just really want to experience that delivery room surprise just once in my life. That being said, I am a planner and the hardest part for me is creating a gender neutral space that will be equally suitable for either a boy or a girl. Luckily I am prepared in most other aspects since my sister has a boy and a girl and has offered up lots of clothes and gear, and we saved a lot of stuff from when the boys were babies.
I decided to put together a mood board for a gender neutral nursery with a gray and yellow color scheme. It’s neutral enough that I can add another accent color after the baby is born (Maybe emerald green or navy for a boy? Coral for a girl? I’m still undecided.) Of course some of these things I would DIY.
Here is a source list:
I already found this cute quilted throw at HomeGoods which I plan on using as a crib blanket.
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It’s NEVER too early to start planning a nursery (or talking baby names) ;). I found out with all 4 of my boys….by the last one, I would have been utterly shocked if they’d said girl, though–I thought of it more as confirming he was another boy than finding out 🙂
I agree, it’s never too early! We also feel like we probably only make boys since we have two, but I guess you never know. We will be happy either way of course! It’ll be a fun surprise.
Obviously I love the yellow and grey scheme!!! I LOVE that throw, when did you find it? I need to get my butt to Homegoods asap. We found out this time around and last time…I couldn’t stand to wait 🙂
Thanks Allyson! I found the throw a few weeks ago. I always find a ridiculous number of things I can’t live without when I go in HomeGoods!
I think it is a great idea to have a gender neutral nursery. If Allan and I are blessed with another baby, I plan to do the very same thing. Surprise in the delivery room. I am looking forward to seeing the progress on the nursery. Congratulations again!
We decided not to find out the gender of our child beforehand and it was a great surprise for us and for everyone who knew we were expecting. Our offices even had unofficial pools going as to whether it would be a boy or a girl (4:7 odds at mine)! I will always remember hearing the baby crying, us asking what it was, and the doctor exclaiming “It’s a girl!”. All the nurses were excited to find out the sex just then with us and my husband had a lot of fun sharing the news.
We ended up having a “neutral” green and cream colored nursery and used some quilts and accessories to accent it with “girly” colors/patterns one our little one came along. It was quite fun figuring out how to transform a “neutral” space into a little girl’s room, and we are happy we didn’t know the gender ahead of time, although I must admit that gender neutral baby clothes do leave something to be desired!
Congratulations on your long-awaited pregnancy!!! May you and your husband have as much fun as we did in the delivery room (if you can even put “fun” and “delivery room” in the same sentence)!
Thank you Jessica! So glad to hear that the surprise factor was fun for you — I’m really excited about it!
The mood board looks great! Wow, nurseries have come a LONG way since my boys were babies 🙂 I think it’s such a fun surprise that y’all are waiting to find out! It’s getting closer!!
Thanks Melanie! I didn’t really know what I was doing when I “decorated” my first nursery, and it wasn’t very cute. Then my second son shared with my oldest, so this is really the first time I’ve gotten to do a nursery the way I really want it!