We recently got home from a trip to my hometown of Muncie, Indiana, to visit my family. We had a wonderful time. We stopped halfway in Nashville on the way there and back to break up the trip, which makes life much easier when you have kids. We tried to make that part fun too, and stopped at some parks and a really fun popsicle place called Las Paletas. The kids had a great time. When we got to Indiana, we crammed as much as we could into the few days we were there. My whole entire family lives in the area, so we were able to see my parents, siblings, sweet nephew (got some much needed cheek-smooching in), grandparents, and some aunts, uncles and cousins. We also took the boys to their first-ever baseball game. We watched the Indianapolis Indians play at Victory Field and the boys loved it! Well, Aiden did anyway. He just finished up t-ball not too long ago so he kind of had a general idea of what was going on, and he was totally into it. He stared mesmerized for a good five innings or so. Jake on the other hand just enjoyed picking peanut shells up off the ground and throwing them in the air. My mom, step-dad, sister, brother in-law and nephew went with us too. We didn’t last for the whole game, but in general the kids all did great.
We also took the boys over to my uncle’s car dealership in town, where the boys had a chance to play in some old fire trucks that my uncle and grandpa recently purchased. They had so much fun!
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Raising the ladder. |
There are a handful of “must visit” places on my list when I’m home. Mainly favorite local restaurants, like Pizza King (shout-out! It’s my favorite in the whole world), Scotty’s Brewhouse, and Mancino’s (random, I know, but we don’t have one nearby). But a surprising place that I always visit is even more random: Ed’s Glass and More (or as I will always call it, the Glass Factory Outlet). It’s one of my very favorite spots in town, which may seem really strange to some people. But it is a crafter’s dream AND a bargain shopper’s dream, and I’m both. It’s basically like one big giant garage sale, which is fine with me because garage sales are awesome. Almost any type of glass object can be found there (except Ball jars, which I am kinda bummed about since Muncie is where the Ball factory used to be).
When I moved into my first college apartment, I bought all of my drinking glasses there for 25 cents each. The prices there are unbelievable. Last year, I bought a trifle bowl for just a few bucks. They have a lot of kitchenware, along with stuff like candles, etc. I should mention this is not a sponsored post, and I am not getting paid to advertise for them. I just truly love visiting that place when I’m home and want to give them the attention they deserve. But if they want to sponsor me, they can (hint, hint). Kidding. Oh, and if Pizza King wants to send me a few of their pre-made frozen pizzas to review for the blog, I wouldn’t turn down such an offer either. I literally crave their pizza and half-baked breadsticks all the time!
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There are rows and rows full of glass containers of all kinds. |
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Glass votives for 25 cents. |
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Floating tealight holders for 25 cents. |
This trip, I came away with several cute little glass jars which I will use for craft storage. They ranged in price from 50 cents to a dollar each. I plan on storing little brads, thumb tacks, beads, do-dads, etc., in them. I spent a total of about $6.00. So if you ever find yourself in Muncie, Indiana, visit this place!
Is it sad that I get so excited over a bargain? (Don’t answer that.)
Oh, and my grandma found an awesome furniture project for me which I will tell you about later. I can’t wait to share it with you! It’s going to take a while to refinish, because I couldn’t fit the whole thing in our car to bring home to Atlanta. My dad and brother are coming through for a visit later this month and they will bring the rest. I’ll snap some pics of what I do have though so I can at least share with you what it is! Stay tuned…
Wow! What cute little glass jars for only 50 cents. I can see why this place is a must visit. Good finds!