Well, I had a very eventful day today. I had to go to the ER because of an injury at the playground. Nope, one of my kids didn’t get injured, it was me. I fell out of a swing. Seriously. You can laugh, it’s ok.
Here’s what happened: I was swinging with my youngest son on my lap, and somehow I let go for a split second and my center of gravity was thrown off and I fell backwards. Off the swing. Onto my head. Yep. Normally when one is in the process of falling off of a swing, their instinct would be to quickly grab at the chain in order to stay put on said swing. But with my little guy on my lap, I did what any mama bear would do and grabbed onto him instead so I wouldn’t drop him. No time to think, just instincts. Protect the kiddo. So I fell backwards, smacked my head on the ground super hard and got very dizzy and shaky. After the dizziness went away, the hubby left work and met me at home, and dropped me off at the ER to get checked out while he took the kids home. Long story short, I’m ok – just a little concussion and a nasty headache/neck ache.
But I’m going to share the long story with you too, because I spent 5 loooong hours at that ER because of that dumb swing. And first of all, I’m sure the staff got a nice little giggle out of the fact that an almost 30 year old woman was there because she fell off the swing at the playground. I see the humor in it, it’s ok. But when you’re trapped in a hospital room alone for 5 hours, you have lots of time to think. Well, that is, after you look past the fact that your next door hospital neighbor is hurling as loudly as possible. For 5 hours. Gross, I know. Sorry. But it was the most dramatic thing I’ve ever heard. Even the doctors were coming in and telling her to calm down and take it down a few notches with the dramatics. At first of course I felt awful for her, because clearly she was not feeling well. But her family and medical professionals alike were clearly not buying into her theatrics. It was over the top. Let’s just say, I was glad I hadn’t eaten lunch.
After a few hours of listening to this, I then had the privilege of seeing a patient stroll by handcuffed, accompanied by law enforcement officers. I can only imagine what that was all about.
So about halfway into my “stay” at the glamorous ER, I had to be strolled on a gurney to get a CAT Scan. “What happened to you?,” the guy asks. “Oh, you know, I just fell off a swing at the playground.” That’s right, you are rolling me down a hallway on a gurney because I fell at the playground. And I’m 29 years old. Could this get any more ridiculous or embarrassing? (For the record, I could walk but they wouldn’t let me.)
As I was saying earlier, I had lots of time to think. After thinking about all of the important stuff, like how thankful I am that my kids weren’t the ones who were hurt, and how much I have to be thankful for in general, and how I can’t wait to get home to them and give them big hugs and kisses. And how fortunate I am to not be seriously injured, and how lucky I am to not be the lady next door (sorry lady, whoever you are. I really do hope your stomach issues get better SOON!), I then started redecorating the hospital room in my head.
And did someone take a few bites out of that cabinet?? Seriously. What in the world happened to it?
Anyway, I’m ok. Just going to take it easy for a few days. Beware of swings! No more for me. (I know, this whole thing could not be any more ridiculous.) Hope all of you are concussion-free and doing well! I’m going to go lay in bed with a heating pad and pretend this whole embarrassing ordeal never happened! Thanks for reading if you made it this far. I know it was a long story, and yes I have learned my lesson. Use caution on the playground!
Oh, I am glad you are okay (and your babies too). What a crummy way to spend the day. Yes, hospital decorating is the worse and they all look the same!!
Thank you!