When we moved to our new house, the refrigerator that came with it didn’t have a water filtration system or water dispenser. We don’t like to buy bottled water often since it creates so much waste (plus the cost adds up!), so we just drink the water from the tap, which unfortunately has a faint “chemical” taste (chlorine maybe?). We kept meaning to get some sort of filtration system like we had at our old house, but we just hadn’t gotten around to it yet. We finally got one when we recently installed the new Pfister Clarity Xtract faucet and filtration system.
Xtract is a filtration system that is built into a stylish Pfister pull-down kitchen faucet. Do you know the contaminant levels of your tap water? Is it really safe to drink? These were questions I was a little bit afraid to find out the answers to, especially since we’ve been drinking our water unfiltered for almost two years. We have three precious children, and the last thing I want is to harm them by allowing them to ingest unwanted chemicals on a daily basis, particularly if it’s an easy fix. I received a water quality testing kit, and I tested our water before installing the new faucet.
Surprisingly, everything was in the “ok” range, but our pH levels were a little bit off which I will look into. I was particularly surprised that the chlorine levels weren’t abnormally high since I can occasionally taste it. Your water can never be too clean though, so filtration is definitely a plus. The new faucet looks stylish, and I love the convenience of the pull-down feature. The taste of our water has improved too.
This faucet is such a convenient way to drink filtered water. It’s delivered two times faster than typical filtration products, and the filtration mode is integrated into the handle, which eliminates the need for a separate pitcher or dispenser. It’s also a money-saver, and will pay for itself over a 6 month period when you compare the cost of purchasing bottled water for an average family of 4.
Xtract reduces contaminants like pharmaceuticals, chlorine, lead and cysts from your drinking water. Just thinking about those types of things floating around without detection as we guzzle it daily makes my stomach turn. Knowing that this faucet can filter those nasty things out of your drinking water can certainly provide peace of mind.
Aside from the health benefits of filtering out all of the chemicals, imagine how much you could reduce your environmental footprint if you no longer purchased bottled water (or at least significantly cut down on how frequently you buy it). A filtration system allows your family to drink cleaner, safer water without creating waste.
Have you ever tested the chemicals in your water? Do you use a filtration system? I would love to know!
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That is a sleek beauty!! Love how you can’t tell at all it’s got a filtration system.
Thank you, Shannon!
First off, this is a crazy pretty faucet and second I love that it filters the water so you don’t have to use any additional filtration products!
Thanks Katie! I agree — the built in filter is such a great idea!
I can’t stand those filtration systems that are huge on faucets. This looks fantastic!
Thanks Amy! I totally agree. I’m so glad they made this one easy to hide!
Love it, so perfect and sleek!
Thank you, Debbie!
I love the look of this faucet and that you can’t even tell it has a filtration system.
Thanks Leanne!
This is so cool! We just moved and the water here tastes terrible – we’re doing the filtration pitcher. This would be so much nicer!
Thanks Beverly! We used to do a pitcher too. It’s nice having the extra space in the refrigerator now that we’ve gotten rid of it!